Sunday, December 30, 2012

My 2013 Resolution

My resolution for the coming year is to get rid of some of my belly, and here's how I'm going to do it: One crunch at a time.

Or rather, six crunches at a time.

Angels Have Abs Too
He may be doing it wrong. (Photo credit: CarbonNYC)
So be it resolved that, every day in 2013, I will do at least six crunches.Why six? Because, if I follow through as planned, that means I will have done more than 2,000 crunches by the end of the year. That should show my belly a thing or two!

Six doesn't seem like a lot, and it isn't. Even on days when I feel completely unmotivated to do anything, I can do six crunches. But then, on days when I'm feeling good and hopefully and energetic, I can (and certainly will) exceed that number. And I'll be keeping track day by day of how many I do.

I plan to make some other food and exercise changes as well, but I'm setting those down as resolutions. So hopefully, by this time next year, I'll be posting about how much weight I've lost and complaining that none of my pants fit.

Six crunches a day is really an easy resolution. The hard part isn't the exercise, but sticking to it every single day. Care to join me?
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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Standing Desk, A Brief Update

I'm still going strong with the standing desk. The scale says I haven't lost any weight, but lately my jeans keep wanting to slide down. I might need to buy a new belt.

Even with the gel sole inserts, standing on that hard, flat floor all day was starting to get to me. (Any padding that used to be under the carpet has long since been stomped into flatness.) So, a couple weeks ago, I brought in a child's sleeping pad* — it's just a rectangle of blue sponginess — and set it on the floor where I stand to give me some extra cushion. It has helped about as much as the passage of time has. I've gotten used to standing all day, though I can sure feel the difference when I finally sit down.

It reminds me of those horrible days at McDonald's when I was a teenager.

But at any rate, the standing desk has become a regular part of my day now.

* We bought the sleeping pads to take camping because I couldn't afford bonafide camping cots. Sleeping on them was slightly better than sleeping on the cold ground. Slighty.